Summer Camp Registration - Tech Crew

Calling all techie kids!  Our shows wouldn't be possible without our amazing tech crews, and this summer we have two different opportunities to be part of the magic behind the scenes.  Sign up for one of our full-day tech camps where you will get to learn the ins and outs of lighting, sound, set construction, scene painting, prop fabrication, and more!  Campers must be between the ages of 8 and 18 by the start of camp.

Because each tech crew will have a very limited number of participants, please sign up for only ONE of the productions.  Be sure to indicate if you are interested in working on both productions so we can contact you if space allows.

Legally Blonde, Jr.: June 24-29 (featuring performers ages 13-18)

Seussical, Jr.: July 8-20 (featuring performers ages 8-12)